Curriculum Vitae
Doctor of Philosophy Dec 2022
Information Science
University at Albany, SUNY; Albany, NY
Primary Specialization: Information Technology and Learning
Secondary Specialization: Knowledge Organization and Management
Study: Maker Programs in PreK-12 school libraries: Identifying the drivers and consequences
Professional Development Certificate 2014
eLearning and Online Teaching
University of Wisconsin, Stout; Menomonie, WI
Master of Science 2009
Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology
University at Albany, SUNY; Albany, NY
Instructional Technology concentration
Master of Library Science 2004
School Media Specialist
University at Albany, SUNY; Albany, NY
Bachelor of Arts 2003
Information Science and Policy
University at Albany, SUNY; Albany, NY
Minors: English and General Education Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Music Performance Certificate 2001
Dutchess Community College; Poughkeepsie, NY
Graduated with honors
New York State Professional School Media Specialist K-12 September 1, 2010
New York State Professional English Language Arts 7-12 September 1, 2011
New York State Professional Computer Science K-12 March 12, 2024
Every student deserves an opportunity to realize their full potential as problem solvers and critical thinkers in the 21st Century. I strive to inspire learners to work harder and achieve more than they ever imagined they could; to ignite passion and instill a love of lifelong learning in my students. Through the use of student-centered active learning, I provide opportunities to engage with materials through discussions, case studies, project-based learning, and student choice in how learning is expressed. Utilizing a variety of instructional technology tools and including a mix of textbook readings, current research, popular writings, videos and audio recordings, I strive to meet the needs of a variety of learning styles preferences. Most importantly, I view assessment as a tool for learning, and value students’ attainment of learning objectives over assigning a letter grade. Students are provided with extensive feedback, and provided opportunities to revise work to improve understanding.
School Media Specialist 2023 - Present
Poughkeepsie High School; Poughkeepsie, NY
Transformed an unused library into a safe space, and destination for all students.
School Media Specialist 2022 - 2023
Marlboro Central High School; Marlboro, NY
Transformed an unused library into a safe space, and destination for all students
Created a Makerspace program that is used for classes and individual students
Implemented a reference interview approach to information literacy instruction to enhance personalized instruction
School Media Specialist 2011 - 2017
Yorktown High School; Yorktown Heights, NY
Chair of the High School Technology Committee
Created student run Tech Support Program
Created a Makerspace program that is used for classes and individual students
Responsible for student and teacher training in various technology tools
School Media Specialist 2007 - 2011
Pawling High School; Pawling, NY
Designed and piloted an online Contemporary Literature/Information Literacy Course
Designed and co-taught portions of AP English Language online
Co-taught various technology enhanced units with classroom teachers
Taught numerous technology related Professional Development Courses
School Media Specialist 2004 - 2007
New Lebanon Jr/Sr High School; New Lebanon, NY
Designed and co-taught multiple units in Blackboard with English Teachers
Organized two Superintendent’s Conference Days on Technology
Co-Author of Questar III BOCES Regional Information Literacy Curriculum
Implemented 7-12 Information Literacy Classes
Library Director 2002 - 2004
Philmont Public Library; Philmont, NY
Conducted Basic Computer Classes for community members
Developed and ran children and young adult programs
Conducted a use and satisfaction survey of village residents
Improved and maintained the quality of library services to the residents
Student Assistant 2001 - 2002
Dewey Graduate Library; University at Albany, SUNY; Albany, NY
Responsible for circulation of library materials
Responsible for shelf reading and identification of books in need of repair
University Experience
Course Designer and Lecturer 2019 - 2021
Course Designer and Adjunct Instructor 2016 - 2019
Assistant Director – Information Science School Library 2018 - 2021
College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cyber Security
University at Albany, SUNY; Albany, NY
Responsible for new student recruitment, transcript review, and student advisement
Created a connected community of learners in an online environment
Advise course scheduling and planning based on program needs
Collaborate with full time and adjunct faculty to ensure program and course alignment
IST 571 Literature for Children 2017
Provides an introductory survey of literature for children (ages 0-12) with an emphasis on current authors and illustrators from diverse backgrounds. Exploration of appropriate strategies to enhance children's appreciation for diverse backgrounds and experiences including economic, family and cultural backgrounds to create a cohesive community. Application of strategies for using and adapting assessment strategies to inform programming and instruction. Explores a variety of techniques to ensure that librarians meet the needs of all children through their collections, programs and instruction. Specific attention is given to adaptive and assistive technologies as well as differentiation of materials, programming and instruction for all children, including children from homes where English is not the primary language.
IST 666 (677) Creating Innovators - the Maker Movement 2016 - Present
Designed for PreK-12 educators, school library media specialists, teacher librarians, classroom teachers, STEM educators, tech integrationists, educational technology teachers, and public librarians who want to create “making” environments in traditional classrooms, school library/media centers and community spaces such as public libraries. The focus is on teaching the basics of design through hands-on, learning by doing. The theories and practices covered in this course can also be applied in public and university library settings. The course is designed for participants to collaborate and co-create knowledge with opportunities to create making experiences. Learn evidence-based strategies that support building models, prototypes, inventions and innovations and encourage creative problem solving and team collaboration across a wide range of subject matters and all grade levels. Applications of learning theory and assessment strategies will be employed to create interdisciplinary inquiry-based maker experiences.
IST 670: Teaching Fundamentals for School Libraries 2018 - Present
Introduces students to the professional roles and responsibilities of today's 21st century certified school librarian by having students shadow school librarians in three educational settings (elementary, middle and high school). Emphasizes the interdisciplinary teaching role of school librarians and highlights strategies for working collaboratively within the school environment and the importance of documenting evidence of practice. Utilizes research-based strategies to introduce students to information literacy curriculum and educational assessment literacy. Introduces students to school-based and community based resources to enhance information literacy instruction for diverse student populations. Identifies school librarian responsibilities and requirements in working with students with disabilities and other special learning needs.
IST675: Curriculum and Supportive Resources 2019 - Present
This course, grounded in evidence-based theory and practice, introduces students to information literacy curriculum by teaching preservice and/or in-service educators how to design, assess and evaluate information literacy curriculum and resources for elementary, middle and high school students. Applies knowledge of how to select and modify curricula, assessments, information resources, and adaptive and assistive technologies to meet the individualized needs of students with disabilities and other special learning needs. Principles of instructional design (including universal design), cognitive learning styles, and research-based strategies for educational assessment and evaluation are scaffolded into a series of performance-based assignments that culminate in an information literacy learning segment, customized to address the diverse learning needs of PreK-12 students and aligned to local, state and national standards. The learning segment is co-planned with the graduate student's mentor and implemented in the student's field placement. The lesson is systematically assessed through a series of formative assessments designed by the student to document the effect of the lesson(s) on the academic performance of PreK-12 students as well as the instructional effectiveness of the graduate student. Graduate students learn how to integrate research-based instructional strategies that are responsive to the characteristics and learning needs of all students.
IST676: Administration of School Library Media Centers 2020 - Present
Problems, practices, and research in the organization, administration and management of school library media centers. The course examines problems, practices and research in the organization, administration and management of school media centers including practices related to local and national standards; services, facilities, policies, and planning including designing and maintaining facilities for persons with disabilities and special needs; budgeting, personnel and organizational factors; public relations, safety and advocacy. The course incorporates knowledge of federal and state laws, policies, and regulations ( e.g., Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA], Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) and ethical considerations (e.g., confidentiality rights and responsibilities of stakeholders) related to the education of students with disabilities.
IST 668: Internship 2018 - Present
Two 40 day sessions, for a total of 80 days or at least 400 hours. Opportunity for curriculum development, program development, research design, teaching, skill development and problem solving through observation and instructional practice, documented by formative assessments, in an information environment designed to meet the learning and information needs of all students, under the supervision of a faculty member and a certified tenured school library media specialist or other information professional.
Course Designer and Associate Lecturer 2015 - 2018
College of Education, Hospitality, Health and Human Services
University of Wisconsin, Stout; Menomonie, WI
EDUC 656 Bullying In Schools
Develop practical instructional strategies to break the cycle of bullying and cyberbullying in both face-to-face settings, and when students use text messages, personal websites, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media to harass peers. This course is a must for new and veteran teachers who wish to refresh their knowledge with the latest programs and ideas to build positive, safe and respectful school cultures. Explore how to specifically support marginalized groups prone to bullying, including LGBT, learning disabled and students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
EDUC 660 Teaching for Creativity and Innovation: The Maker Culture
How can you build a Makerspace in your school? How can you support the learning by doing maker movement in your classroom? Learn instructional strategies and how to use tools (physical or virtual) to support building models, prototypes, inventions and innovations and encourage creative problem solving and team collaboration across a wide range of subject matters and all grade levels.
EDUC 645 School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Principles of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). Roles and functions of the school-wide PBIS team, action planning for sustainable practices, data management systems/tools, and data analysis for planning three-level interventions and monitoring progress.
Online Course Designer and Instructor 2013 - Present
Creative Teacher Education Institute; Bohemia, NY
PEDC 9002 A+ Online Tools for Every Learner*
This is a must see course for every educator! Would you like to benefit your instruction to fit the needs of the new CCSS 21st Century demands in technology and information integration to create lasting relevant academic connections for every learner in your classroom? If the answer is yes, this is the course for you! Networking is an essential part of Professional Development that all teachers need to keep current in their teaching career. This course will teach any educator to set up their own Professional Learning Network to make collecting important information fun and easy.
PEDC 9085 Apps for Google Apps*
As you become more familiar with using Google Apps, you realize that there are some things you would like to do that you just don’t know how to accomplish. There are numerous Apps that you can connect to your Google Drive or Chrome Browser to increase productivity and build creative projects. This course will cover 19 apps that can easily be connected to your drive, and ways to use them with your students.
PEDC 9008 Assessment Made Easy* ✢
How do you know if the students were taught what you wanted to teach them? How do you justify a grade to the student, parent or administration? Are you assessing Bloom’s higher levels? This course will examine all of these questions and more! If an objective is well written and the scoring rubric matches it, it is clear what your expectations are and how a grade is determined. There are different formats of rubrics depending upon what you want to achieve. This course will allow you to find existing rubrics and modifying them for your specific needs, as well as write you own original rubrics. Bloom's Higher Order of Thinking has been modernized to include Internet applications or Web 2.0 Tools. These applications will be studied and the development of rubrics to grade assignments that use these Internet applications will be examined. Surveys as assessments will also be examined.
PEDC 9086 BYOD - Mobile Learning in the Classroom*
As technology budgets tighten, school districts are increasingly adopting a Bring Your Own Device Model, which allows students and teachers alike to being their own technology into the building for use in teaching and learning. Along with BYOD come obstacles and great opportunities. This course will teach you how to harness the power of BYOD to increase technology use in the classroom at little or no cost to the district, as well as address concerns and challenges.
PEDC 9019 DASA - Dignity for All Students Act*
The Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act) seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. This course will examine this Act and give resources on how to create a safe and supportive environment by reviewing all sections and materials presented by the NY State Education Department.
PEDC 9087 Google Apps for Beginners*
As technology progresses, schools are increasingly adopting Google Apps for Education, but many are not utilizing all of the amazing features available. Learn how to harness the power of Google Apps for EDU to increase technology use in the classroom at no cost to the district. This is an introductory course which will give you the building blocks from which you can begin to harness the power of Google Apps. This course will introduce you to the tools available, and teach you basic use and functionality.
PEDC 9088 Intermediate Google Apps - Google Apps for Assessment*
As technology progresses, schools are increasingly adopting Google Apps for Education, but many are not utilizing all of the amazing features available. Learn how to harness the power of Google Apps for EDU for assessment to increase technology use in the classroom at no cost to the district. This is an intermediate course which will teach you some of the more advanced tools and features of Google Apps for EDU, as well as walk you through using Google Apps for assessment purposes. Previous experience with Google Apps is helpful.
PEDC 9089 Incorporating Cell Phones into the Classroom*
This course provides easy ways to incorporate technology that students already have in meaningful and productive ways. From basic fact finding missions to full on creative products, students are more engaged when they feel they are "getting away with" using their cell phones in your classroom. Learn how to engage students, manage the use of cell phones, and spark imagination in your classroom.
PEDC 9074 iPad Assessment Methods*
This course on iPads requires the participant to have an iPad, the capability of practicing broadcasting information to a second device and the ability to add apps. If you are using a different mobile device, please check with the instructor as to the specific requirements of the activities prior to enrolling in the course. Not all apps are available on non-Apple devices. During specific times of the course, the instructor will be available to act as the second device if the participant cannot arrange to practice with a friend or at school. Participants will learn and demonstrate different assessment methods, with some involving collaboration.
PEDC 9075 iPad Presentation Methods*
This course on iPads requires the participant to have an iPad, the capability of practicing broadcasting information to a second device and the ability to add apps. If you are using a different mobile device, please check with the instructor as to the specific requirements of the activities prior to enrolling in the course. Not all apps are available on non-Apple devices. During specific times of the course, the instructor will be available to act as the second device if the participant cannot arrange to practice with a friend or at school. Participants will learn and demonstrate different presentation methods, some involving assessments and some involving collaboration. The environment can be in a 1:1 or a 1:class.
PEDC 9090 Literature Outside of the English Classroom*
20545 - ED 589 Literature Outside of the English Classroom✢
The Common Core State Standards call for reading and writing across the curriculum, so now more than ever literature has a place in every curriculum. Using literature can help spark curiosity and wonder in "boring" subjects, and help to bring alive the reality of a field of study. This course will introduce you to literature that can be used throughout the curriculum, and help you build a road map to incorporate at least one piece into your classroom to help meet CCSS. Participants will we required to read one or more pieces of literature in their subject area to help them build activities for their students. If your curriculum is not specifically addressed, the instructor will work with you to find appropriate materials.
20544 - ED 589 Makerspace in the Classroom or School Library✢
A MakerSpace is a place where students utilize materials to solve problems, design solutions, and use critical thinking skills to make sense of the world around them. They can be a separate space, such as in an empty classroom, a library media center or a community space, or they can be incorporated into your existing classroom. MakerSpaces are firmly grounded in educational theory and are one way to increase student engagement and achievement while still meeting national and state level learning standards. Educational theory, types of thinking, and design models that support making, as well as the role of the teacher and the student, and what a maker environment looks like are explored. Real examples and projects will be created to start making with your students right away, no matter your budget. Learn how makerspace and the maker movement are transforming learning using hands-on, student driven projects that tie into Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) and also ELA, Social Studies, LOTE, ELL, ESL, and other subject areas. This course is also appropriate for Special Education, Career and Technical Educators, and School Media Specialists, N-12.
*Course has been approved for Graduate Level Credit from the University of the Pacific
✢ Course has been approved for Graduate Level Credit from Adams State University
Course Designer and Instructor 2015
Arlington High School; Lagrangeville, NY
BYOD - Mobile Learning in the Classroom - Blended Course
This course will allow learners to explore BYOD, how they currently utilize it, and how they could use it more effectively to help ensure an increase student engagement and achievement.
Online Course Facilitator 2013
Dutchess County BOCES; Poughkeepsie, NY
Model Schools Internet Safety Course
This instructed and highly interactive online, asynchronous class, developed by NYS Model Schools by request from NYSED, uses resources from a number of organizations to examine current issues regarding internet safety. We will additionally explore appropriate methods of response. This class meets the definition of an online Instructed Course.
Topics Include: ISTE NETS-S Standard 5, ISTE NETS-T Standard 4; The Social Web; Cyber Citizenship, Ethics, and Cyber Safety; Copyright and Intellectual Property; Strategies for Safe Schools
Teaching Online 103 - Reading Strategies
This online class completes the Teaching Online series from Florida Virtual Schools. This class focuses on reading instruction in the online environment. This class meets the definition of an instructed course.
Topics Include: The Big Picture: Reading Research; Laying the Framework: Before Reading Strategies; Fill It In: During Reading Strategies; How Does It Look? After Reading Strategies; Putting It All Together: Final Assessment
Co-Lead Author 2010 - 2011
Mid Hudson BOCES Consortium; New Paltz, NY
Created an online course that blends Information Literacy Skills and Social Studies
This is a fully online course which is designed to give juniors and seniors exposure to a rigorous, scholarly research experience while also exposing them to an online learning environment, which they will need familiarity with in college and the workplace. Students will read works of historical fiction, primary source documents and current events from a variety of regions around the world. These books and documents will lead students into an inquiry based research project where students will learn the research process from start to finish. This course will be based on ELA and Social Studies standards, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards and the American Library Association Skills for the 21st Century Student.
Course Designer and Teacher 2009 - 2011
Pawling High School; Pawling, NY
Online Research Seminar - Contemporary Fiction
This course will be a blended course that meets face to face and also in an online environment. It is designed to give juniors and seniors exposure to a college level research experience while also exposing them to an online learning environment, which they will need familiarity with in college. Students will read works of contemporary literature on a variety of topics. These books will lead students into an inquiry based research project where students will learn the research process from start to finish in preparation for freshman level college research. This course will be based on ELA standards, the International Society for Technology in Education Standards and the American Library Association Skills for the 21st Century Student.
The application and assessment of information literacy, educational technology, makerspaces and e-learning as conduits to student achievement for students PreK through University.
Lead Investigator 2017 - 2022
Maker Programs in PreK-12 school libraries: Identifying the drivers and consequences
Conducted a three part study to investigate the prevalence of makerspaces in PreK-12 school libraries in New York State, the characteristics of educators, schools and districts which may affect whether a makerspace exists, the beliefs of school librarians about makerspaces, and the effects and unintended consequences of creating makerspaces.
Research Assistant 2018 - 2020
Seeking Stronger Evidence of School Library Effects on Student Outcomes
Assistant to Dr. Joette Stefl-Mabry and Dr. Michael Radlick
Provide support as needed in writing and editing findings
Helped develop and administer the 2020 survey portion of 3-year research study
Research Assistant 2017 - 2018
Center for Technology in Government
Work with a research team to examine the contributions of public libraries in smart cities. Lead author on three publications.
Research Associate 2017
Worked as external evaluator for the CLASS II IMLS Grant which hopes to explore the effect of school librarians on academic achievement
Research Assistant 2016 - 2018
School Library Effect on Student Academic Achievement in New York State
Assistant to Dr. Joette Stefl-Mabry and Dr. Michael Radlick
Helped develop and administer the telephone interview portion of 3-year research study
Helped develop and administer the 2017 survey portion of 3-year research study
Provide support as needed in writing and editing findings
Lead Investigator 2004
Philmont Public Library Use and Satisfaction
Developed and conducted survey based research study of residents of the Village of Philmont, NY, to determine use and satisfaction of the Philmont Public Library
Results were presented to the Library Board of Trustees
In preparation
Mersand, S. Barriers and Enablers of maker program adoption in school libraries. Manuscript in preparation.
Mersand, S. Maker Programs in PreK-12 school Libraries: Identifying the drivers and consequences. Manuscript in preparation.
Under Review
Mersand, S. Characteristics related to the presence of maker activity in school libraries. Manuscript under consideration.
Mersand, S. (2021, December). Untapped potential: Makerspaces as a conduit for talent development. Journal of Thought. 56 (3&4),
Stefl-Mabry, J., Radlick, M., & Mersand, S. (2021, June). Significant and Non-Significant Results Matter: School Librarians and Assessment. SN Social Sciences, 1(1).
Mersand, S. (2021, March). The State of Makerspace Research: a Review of the Literature. TechTrends, 65(2), 174–186.
Stefl-Mabry, J., Radlick, M., Mersand, S. (2020, April). The Challenge of Being Heard When You’re One in a Building: Voices of School Librarians. Poster/paper presentation made at the 2020 American Educational Research Association: The Power and Possibilities for the Public Good When Researchers and Organizational Stakeholders Collaborate. April 17th – 21st, San Fransisco, California.
Radlick, M., Stefl-Mabry, J., Mersand, S. (2020, April). Can We Count on School Librarians Changing Nonacademic Outcomes? Paper presentation made at the 2020 American Educational Research Association: The Power and Possibilities for the Public Good When Researchers and Organizational Stakeholders Collaborate. April 17th – 21st, San Fransisco, California.
Stefl-Mabry, J., Radlick, M., Mersand, S., & Gulatee, Y. (2019). School Library Research: Publication Bias and the File Drawer Effect? Journal of Thought, 53(3&4), 19–34. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2019, April). Makerspaces in PreK-12 School Libraries: A Preliminary Empirical Analysis. Poster/paper presentation made at the 2019 American Educational Research Association: Leveraging Education in a ”Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence. April 5th – 9th, Toronto, Canada.
Stefl-Mabry, J., Radlick, M. S., Gulatee, Y., Mersand, S. (2019, April). In search of theory: A deep dive into the characteristics of school library outliers. Poster/paper presentation made at the 2019 American Educational Research Association: Leveraging Education in a ”Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence. April 5th – 9th, Toronto, Canada.
Mersand, S. Gasco, M., Udoh, E., Gil-Garcia, J. R., (2019, Jan). Public libraries as anchor institutions in smart communities: Current practices and future development. Paper to be presented at Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-52. January 8-11, Grand Wailea Maui, HI.
Mersand, S. Gasco, M., Gil-Garcia, J. R., Burke, G. B, Figueroa, M, & Sutherland, M. (2018, June). The Role of Public Libraries in Smart, Inclusive, and Connected Communities: Current and Best Practices. Poster presented at dg.o 2018, Delft, NE.
Mersand, S. (2018). Development of a makerspace module: Research Study Report. [Unpublished Manuscript] Albany, NY.
Mersand, S., Gascó-Hernández, M., Zhao, X., Gil-Garcia, J. R., Burke, G. B., Sutherland, M., & Figueroa, M. (2018). The role of public libraries in engaging citizens in smart, inclusive, and connected communities: A current practices report. Albany. Retrieved from
Stefl-Mabry, J., Radlick, M., & Mersand, S. (2020, April). The Challenge of Being Heard When You’re One in a Building: Voices of School Librarians. Poster/paper presentation made at the 2020 American Educational Research Association: The Power and Possibilities for the Public Good When Researchers and Organizational Stakeholders Collaborate. April 17th – 21st, San Fransisco, California.
Radlick, M., Stefl-Mabry, J., & Mersand, S. (2020, April). Can We Count on School Librarians Changing Nonacademic Outcomes? Paper presentation made at the 2020 American Educational Research Association: The Power and Possibilities for the Public Good When Researchers and Organizational Stakeholders Collaborate. April 17th – 21st, San Fransisco, California.
Stefl-Mabry, J. & Radlick, M., Mersand, S. & Gallo, B (2019, October). Looking Across New York State Public School Librarians 2011-2017. A webinar made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant RE-04-15-0081-15. Tuesday, October 25, 2019.
Mersand, S. (2019). Makerspaces as an Avenue for Computer Science Talent Development. Presentation made at the 2019 New York Conference on Women in Computing. April 11-12th, Lake George, NY.
Mersand, S. (2019). Makerspaces in PK-12 School Libraries: A Preliminary Analysis. Presentation made at the 2019 New York Conference on Women in Computing. April 11-12th, Lake George, NY.
Mersand, S. (2019). Makerspaces in PK-12 School Libraries: A Preliminary Empirical Analysis. Presentation made at the 2019 American Educational Research Association: Leveraging Education in a ”Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence. April 5th – 9th, Toronto, Canada.
Stefl-Mabry, J., & Radlick, M. S., Gulatee, Y., Mersand, S. (2019). In search of theory: A deep dive into the characteristics of school library outliers. Presentation made at the 2019 American Educational Research Association: Leveraging Education in a ”Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence. April 5th – 9th, Toronto, Canada.
Mersand, S. (2019, March). Makerspaces in PreK-12 School Libraries: A preliminary analysis. Presented at New Trends in Information Research Conference, Albany, NY.
Stefl-Mabry, J. Radlick, M, Mersand, S. & Gulatee, Y. (2018, November). The School Library Effect in New York. Workshop presented at New York Library Association Annual Conference, Rochester, NY.
Stefl-Mabry, J. & Radlick, M., Gulatee, Y., & Mersand, S. (2018, October). The School Librarian Effect on Student Academic Achievement in New York State Research Project. A webinar made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant RE-04-15-0081-15. Tuesday, October 09, 2018.
Stefl-Mabry, J. Radlick, M, Mersand, S. & Gulatee, Y. (2018, May). The School Library Effect. Workshop presented at New York Library Association - SSL Conference, Mellville, NY.
Mersand, S. Gasco, M., Gil-Garcia, J. R., Burke, G. B, Figueroa, M, & Sutherland, M. (2018, March). The Role of Public Libraries in Smart, Inclusive, and Connected Communities: Current and Best Practices. Poster presented at UAlbany Celebration of Scholarship, Albany, NY.
Mersand, S. (2018, March). The state of makerspace research in school libraries. Presented at New Trends in Information Research Conference, Albany, NY.
Mersand, S. Gasco, M., Gil-Garcia, J. R., Burke, G. B, Figueroa, M, & Sutherland, M. (2018, March). Current practices in public libraries to support smart community initiatives. Poster presented at New Trends in Information Research Conference, Albany, NY.
Stefl-Mabry, J. & Radlick, M., Gulatee, Y., & Mersand, S. (2017, October). The School Library Effect: What We’ve Found, What Should We Look For? A webinar made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant RE-04-15-0081-15. Tuesday, October 23, 2017.
Other Professional Experience
Tech Tips Newsletter Editor 2015 - 2018
InstructOnline, L.L.C, Menomonie, WI
Wrote a monthly Tech Tips newsletter for college instructors, K-12 educators, and instructional designers
Research, evaluate, select, cite and annotate online resources regarding current and emerging technologies
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2018, March). Creating Multimedia. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2018, January). The Simple Art of Linked In. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, November). Using Concept Maps for training and in the classroom. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, September). Using Project Based Learning for training and in the classroom. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, August). Using Social Media for Professional Development. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, May). Making Group Projects Work. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, April). Teaching Coding and Computational Thinking. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, March). Our Instructors' Favorite Tech Tools for Creating Instructional Materials. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, February). Our Instructors' Favorite Time-saving Tech Tools. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2017, January). ePortfolios and Alternative Resumes. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, December). Can you spot fake news? Critical evaluation of information. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, November). Curation tips: Rating and sorting content. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, October). The basics and benefits of visual note taking. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, September). Augmented and virtual reality. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, August). Getting the graphics you need. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, July). Find a job as an instructional designer. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, May). Peer assessment and review. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, May). Create and assess Infographics. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, April). Land a job teaching online. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, March). Best educational apps. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, February). Game on! Explore games and learning. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2016, January). Using polls and surveys to collect feedback. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2015, December). Screen capture applications. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2015, November). Making the most of LinkedIn. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2015, October). How to control your digital reputation. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2015, September). How to solve password stress. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (Ed.). (2015, August). What is the maker movement? Retrieved from
Advisor 2014 - 2020
Tech & Learning Magazine, New York, NY
Evaluate and write extended reviews of technology products for education.
Write feature articles related to technology for education.
Mersand, S. (2020, March 9). How to Find the Best Digital Tools for Your School. Tech & Learning, 40(8), 8. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2020, February 1). Top 3D Pens for the Classroom. Tech & Learning,
Mersand, S. (2020, February 1). Best 3D Classroom Printers. Tech & Learning,
Mersand, S. (2020, February 1). 3D Printing in Action: Creating Real-World 3D Printing Products. Tech & Learning,
Mersand, S. (2020, February 12). 3D Printing in Action: University at Albany. Tech & Learning University,
Mersand, S. (2019, December 1). The Best Hour of Code Resources for 2019. Tech & Learning,
Mersand, S. (2018, November 1). Participate in the Hour of Code with these Great Products. Tech & Learning, 39(4).
Mersand, S. and McNair, S. (2018, July 1). Makerspace Tools Product Roundup 2018. Tech & Learning, 38(10).
Mersand, S. (2018, March 1). 3D Printing for Learning. Tech & Learning, 38(7) 34-36.
Mersand, S. (2017, November 1). Products Perfect for the Hour of Code. Tech & Learning, 38(4) 40-41.
Mersand, S. (2017, September 1). What’s New in 3D Printing. Tech & Learning, 38(2) 42-43.
Mersand, S. and McNair, S. (2017, June/July). Makerspace Tools Product Roundup. Tech & Learning, 37(10), 42-45.
Mersand, S. (2017, June/July) Grants Calendar. Tech & Learning, 37(10).
Mersand, S. (2017, June/July) Fast ForWord. Tech & Learning, 37(10), 16.
Mersand, S. (2017, May 1) pivotEd. Tech & Learning, 37(9), 19.
Mersand, S. (2017, February 1) Makerbot Replicator Mini+. Tech & Learning, 37(6), 18.
Mersand, S. (2016, November 1) Follett Lightbox. Tech & Learning, 27(4), 18.
Mersand, S. (2016, October 1) Make believe: 3D printer round up. Tech & Learning, 37(3), 28-30.
Mersand, S. (2016, June 21) Reading Horizons Discovery. Tech & Learning, 36(11), 20.
Mersand, S. (2016, June 21) Revision Assistant. Tech & Learning, 36(11), 22.
Mersand, S. and McNair, S. (2016, June 21) Making it happen: Makerspace Tools Product Roundup. Tech & Learning, 36(11), 64-72.
Mersand, S. (2016, February 19) Building School 2.0. Tech & Learning. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2016, February 23) Kids Discover Online. Tech & Learning, 36(8), 20.
Mersand, S. (2016, January 28) Autodesk Design Academy. Tech & Learning, 36(7), 22.
Mersand, S. (2016, January 28) NewsELA. Tech & Learning, 36(7), 25.
Mersand, S. (2016, January 6) eDynamic. Tech & Learning, 36(7), 27.
Mersand, S. (2016, January 6) Tales2Go. Tech & Learning, 36(7), 28.
Mersand, S. (2015, September 25) Navigating the digital school: How do you find the right tool for your school needs? Tech & Learning. 37(3), 32-34.
Mersand, S. (2015, September 25) Sprout allows for easy 3d prototyping. Tech & Learning 36(3), 26.
Mersand, S. (2015, September 25) 3D Printer Guide. Tech & Learning, 36(3), 22-25.
Mersand, S. (2015, June 24). Typing Agent 4.0. Tech & Learning, 35(12), 17.
Mersand, S. (2015, May 27). What’s new with learning management systems. Tech & Learning, 35(11), 48-49.
Mersand, S. (2015, March 26). Librarians lead the way in EdTech. Tech & Learning, 35(12), 6.
Mersand, S. (2015, February 25). Reading assessment programs. Tech & Learning, 35(8) 38-40.
Mersand, S. (2015, January 28). Lexia Reading Core5. Tech & Learning, 35(7), 14.
Mersand, S. (2014, December 30). Naiku for Teachers. Tech & Learning, 35(6), 23.
Mersand, S. (2014, October 30). Go Guardian. Tech & Learning, 35(4), 16.
Mersand, S. (2014, September 25). Reading and the Common Core - It's Not Just for ELA. Tech & Learning, 35(3), 28-33.
Mersand, S. (2014, September 25). Corwin Press - Connected Educator Series. Tech & Learning, 35(3), 24.
Mersand, S. (2014, September 25). LearnPad Octavo. Tech & Learning, 35(3), 18.
Mersand, S. (2014, September 25). Compass Learning Hybridge. Tech & Learning, 35(3), 22.
Mersand, S. (2014, July 30). 2014 Tablets for education roundup. Tech & Learning, 35(1), 60-63.
Mersand, S. (2014, July 30). Google Classroom sneak peek. Tech & Learning, 35(1), 16.
Mersand, S. (2014, June 24). Mimio Mobile. Tech & Learning, 34(12), 16.
Mersand, S. (2014, May 30). LMS product guide. Tech & Learning, 34(11), 52-53.
Mersand, S. (2014, May 12). PowToon. Tech & Learning. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, April 24). KnowRe. Tech & Learning, 34(10), 14.
Mersand, S. (2014, January 28). Odysseyware. Tech & Learning, 34(7), 16.
Blogger/Moderator 2014 - 2015
Intel Teachers Engage, Portland, OR
Authored a monthly blog post called "Cut to the Core: Tech solutions for the Common Core"
Moderated discussions in the Intel Teachers Engage Community
Mersand, S. (2015, May 14) Connecting Families with Digital Newsletters - Cut to the Core: Technology Solutions for the Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2015, March 14) Taking Notes on the Go - Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2015, February 14) Augmenting the Common Core - Cut to the Core: Technology Solutions for the Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2015, January 18) Video Production and the Common Core - Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, December 5) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Hour of Code and the Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, November 7) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Games and the Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, October 3) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Digital Citizenship and the Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, September 8) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - The Maker Movement, Technology and the Common Core. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, August 8) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Start the Year off right with a Global Audience. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, July 4) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Literacy in a Digital Age. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, June 6) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core Summer Slide - There’s an App for that! Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, May 9) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, April 5) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Social Research. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, March 7) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Math and Reading. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, February 7) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Finding 21st Century Careers. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. (2014, January 10) Cut to the Core: Tech Solutions for Common Core - Informational Texts. Intel Teachers Engage. Retrieved from
Awards of Excellence Reviewer 2012 - 2019
Tech & Learning Magazine, New York, NY
Review new and updated products for the Awards of Excellence.
Stefl-Mabry, J, & Mersand, S. (2020, April). COVID-19 Long-Term Effects on Education. CEHC Faculty Talks. Retrieved from
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2020, January). Makerspace Best Practices and Edison Workshop. Workshop created and presented for QUESTAR III BOCES, Castleton-on-Hudson, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2019, November). Makerspace as a transdisciplinary approach to learning. Workshop created and presented for Guilderland Central School District, Guilderland, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2019, January). Robots in the Library. Workshop created and presented for Southern Westchester BOCES, Tarrytown, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2018, November). STEM Challenges in the curriculum. Workshop created and presented for Orange Ulster BOCES, Goshen, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2018, September). Edison Workshop. Workshop created and presented for School Library Media Specialists of Southeastern New York and Orange Ulster BOCES, Goshen, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2018, June). MakerSpace Boot Camp. Conference created and presented for School Library Media Specialists of Southeastern New York, Goshen, NY.
Mersand, S. (2018, April). Why Make Space? Presented at Joint SLS Conference, Harrison, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2017, October). Playground: Makerspace Product Roundup. Playground presented at Tech & Learning Live, Princeton, NJ.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2017, September). Makerspaces and the Curriculum: Best Practices to Transform Learning. Webinar created and presented for Follett Learning Community. Recording available at
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2017, June). MakerSpace Boot Camp. Conference created and presented for School Library Media Specialists of Southeastern New York, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2017, May). Challenge Accepted. Workshop presented at New York Library Association - SSL Conference, Buffalo, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2017, April). MakerSpace. Playground presented at Educational Technology for Lifelong Learning (ET4ALL) Conference, Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2017, March). Challenge Accepted. Workshop presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2017, March). MakerSpace and STEAM Playground. Playground presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2016, October). Playground: Makerspace Product Roundup. Playground presented at Tech & Learning Live, Princeton, NJ.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2016, July). ReThinking Your Library Space. Presented at SouthEastern New York Library Resources Council, New Paltz, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2016, July). MakerSpace Introduction. Presented at SouthEastern New York Library Resources Council, New Paltz, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2016, July). MakerSpace Boot Camp. Conference created and presented for School Library Media Specialists of Southeastern New York, Ellenville, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2016, May) ReThinking Library Spaces. Workshop presented at New York Library Association - SSL Conference, Albany, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2016, March). MakerSpace and STEAM Playground. Playground presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2016, February) MakerSpace Petting Zoo. Workshop presented at University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2015, October). Playground: Want to Be A Maker? Playground presented at Tech & Learning Live, Tarrytown, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2015, July). ReThinking Your Library Space. Workshop presented at Dutchess County Boces School Library Systems, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2015, May). ReThinking Learning Spaces. Presented at New York Library Association - SSL Conference, Tarrytown, NY.
Mersand, S. (2015, March). Harnessing the power of Technology to maximize the impact of our roles. Presented at Lower Hudson Council of Administrative Women in Education, Valhalla, NY.
Mersand, S. & McNair, S. (2015, March). ReThinking Learning Spaces. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2015, March). Classroom in your Pocket - Mobile Learning in the Classroom. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2014, October). Google: Beyond the Basics. Panelist at TechForum NY, Tarrytown, NY.
Mersand, S. (2014, October). ReThinking Learning Spaces. Panelist at TechForum NY, Tarrytown, NY.
Mersand, S. (2014, April). Pocket Librarianship: Mobile Learning in the Library. Presented at New York Library Association - SSL Conference, Syracuse, NY.
Mersand, S. & Lazarus, S. (2014, March). PowerPoint vz. Prezi: What each can do (Anything you can do, I can do better!). Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2014, March). What color is your AuRa: Augmented Reality in the classroom. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2014, March). Increase your hAPPiness with Google Drive. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. & Lazarus, S. (2013, November). PowerPoint vz. Prezi: What each can do (Anything you can do, I can do better!). Presented at NYSCATE Annual Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2013, March). Take Out Your Cell Phones: 10 easy ways to use cell phones in your curriculum. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2012, March). Schoology vs. My Big Campus: A comparison of LMS. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2011, March). Designing and Facilitating Online Courses: Notes from the Field. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. & Ackert, G. (2011, March). e3 curriculum. Presented at NYSCATE Mid Hudson Valley Conference, Wappingers Falls, NY.
Mersand, S. (2009, July/August). Plagiarism and Copyright in the 21st Century. Presented at Mid Hudson BOCES Consortium, New Paltz, NY.
Mersand, S. (2009, July/August). Using Wikipedia in the classroom. Presented at Mid Hudson BOCES Consortium, New Paltz, NY.
Hosier, S. (2007, March) Regional Information Literacy Curriculum. Presented at Capital Area School Development Association, Albany, NY.
Google for Education Certified Trainer 2014 - Present
Awarded to an individual who demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of Google Apps for Education and a commitment to providing professional development in Google Apps.
Google Educator: Google Apps for Education + Chrome 2014
Awarded to an individual who demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of Google Apps for Education.
Individually Qualified in Google Apps for Education 2012
Awarded to an individual who demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of Google Apps for Education.
Lee Bryant Outstanding New York State Teacher of the Year 2011
Awarded by New York State Association for Computing and Technology in Education to a teacher who has implemented or demonstrated the use of technology to improve education in an outstanding manner.
American Education Research Association (AERA)
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
New York State Association of Computing and Technology in Education (NYSCATE)
New York Library Association - Section of School Librarians (NYLA-SSL)
School Media Specialists of Southeastern New York (SLMSSENY)
Technology Chair/ Conference Committee 2014 - 2019
President 2017 - 2018
School Library Media Specialists of Southeastern New York
Update and maintain the SLMSSENY Website
Engage in Social Media exchanges on behalf of SLMSSENY
Plan for the NYLA - SSL Spring Conference 2015 and other events
Web Designer 2017 - Present
Laundromat Library League
Update and maintain the Laundromat Library League Website