From Print to Digital
Type of Lesson: Images and Text
Lesson Plan Title: From Print to Digital – Finding resources in the library
Discipline and Topic – Information Literacy/ Locating resources in the library
Target Population –
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Population Characteristics: One of the skills students lack is the ability to locate resources both in the library and in the databases.
Lesson Groupings: pairs
Curriculum Links –
One part of being Information Literate is to have the ability to locate potential information resources. Students have been coming to the library with their English teachers for many years, and still have no concept of either the school databases or the Dewey decimal system. When students are doing research, they must be able to locate sources on their own, especially if a librarian is not available to help them. While students understand that the library is arranged in a specific way, they are not aware of how that is. Similarly, they have heard me talk about the databases, but they aren’t really exploring them. This lesson will address those two deficits. Students have already learned how to create call outs and interactive maps in SnagIt 9. In future lessons, students will expand on this knowledge to find information for their real research projects.
Objectives –
Students will be able to locate books on the shelves appropriate to their topic
Students will be able to locate a database appropriate to their topic
Students will be able to justify their choice of databases
Students will be able to use SnagIt 9 or another appropriate program of their choice to create interactive flash maps
Students will be able to use SnagIt 9 or another appropriate program of their choice to create call outs showing the call number and location of the books in the library
Media Literacy Objectives –
3. Select digital tools or resources to use for a real-world task and justify the selection based on their efficiency and effectiveness. (3, 6)
6. Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technology resources and assess their potential to address personal, social, lifelong learning, and career needs. (4, 5, 6)
Materials and Timing –
Computers with internet access, SnagIt 9.0 (or another appropriate program) and a digital camera / (2) 45 minute periods
Scope and Sequence –
Day One - I will start the lesson by reminding students of the fact that the library is arranged using the Dewey Decimal System, and that I strongly encourage them to use databases any time they are doing research. I will then tell them that I want them to design an interactive Flash Map to act as a guide for the new Freshmen to help them find resources as they do research.
Each student will be given a “topic” of research. I will ask them to locate where they would find the books for that topic on our shelves using the library catalog. Once they have located the books, I will ask them to take a picture of that area of the shelves, as well as one of the library as a whole. I will then ask students to explore the databases, and find at least 2 that would help a student with their topic. Once they have located the databases, I will ask them to use SnagIt 9 or another appropriate program of their choice to create an Interactive Flash Map which links the section of shelves with the databases that will also provide the students with the sought after information. In the map they will be asked to include the Dewey Decimal Numbers (Call Numbers) as well as the links to the databases.
I will also ask students to write a brief justification for why they chose each database and that particular area of the library.
Day Two – Students will continue to work on their maps and justifications. At the end of the lesson, students will upload their maps to the library web page to serve as a resource for anyone who uses the library.
Supplemental Materials –
Evaluation of Students –
Evaluation of the Lesson –
This lesson will be deemed a success if, during the lesson, students are engaged and enthusiastic. Furthermore, I will look for signs that students are using the databases, library catalog and their peers maps to help them with school work in other classes. I will also informally ask students if they can see another way the SnagIt could be used for their own personal pursuits. If any of these things are missing, I will look at the weaknesses in the lesson and make corrections as necessary.