Digital Citizenship Unit - Stop Bullying
Type of Unit:
Unit Groupings: Interactive Lecture/ Small Group/ Individual
Curriculum Links (Common Core) –
See Individual Lessons for Specific Standards addressed
Scope and Sequence –
Day 1 (9/25/2012)
Lesson 1 – Introduction to the BYOD and Responsible Use Policy
Day 2-4 (9/26/2012-10/01/2012)
Lesson 2 – Lord of the Flies (Connection to classroom literature)
Day 5 (10/2/2012-10/3/2012)
Lesson 3 –Bullying and Cyber Bullying
Day 6 (10/3/2012)
Lesson 4 – Stop Bullying Video Contest Intro
Day 7 (10/4/2012 – 10/5/2012)
Lesson 5 – Planning
Day 8-10 (10/9/2012 – 10/10/2012)
Lesson 6 – Record and Edit Video
Evaluation of Students –
Summative – Evaluation of Finished Product
Evaluation of the Unit –
Are students engaged? Are they participating? Are they producing the expected product? Are they using devices appropriately for task? Are students using time effectively? Are students submitting their videos to the contest? Did any students win?
Lesson 1
Type of Lesson: Interactive Reading/Discussion
Lesson Plan Title – Introduction to BYOT
Discipline and Topic – English 10 - Digital Citizenship
Curriculum Links –
RI.10.1, RI.10.4, RI.10.10
SL.10.1, SL.10.3
L.10.4, L.10.6
Objectives –
Students will be able to
Read and Explain the Responsible Use Policy
Read and Explain the BYOT documents
Participate in a classroom poll via text message
Materials and Timing –
Computer and Projector
Responsible Use Policy (1440L)
BYOT Documents
PollEverywhere Polls
Device that will be used
Activities they would like to participate in
Students’ individual cell phones
42 Minutes
Scope and Sequence –
Students will enter and be seated in the classroom (2 minutes)
Teacher introduction (2 minutes) – Remember when we told you that at some point you would be asked to bring in your own devices? Well this is the start! We are going to read over the Responsible Use Policy and the Bring Your Own Technology paperwork, and discuss what it means to you as a student. For homework tonight, you need to bring home the BYOT form and explain it to your parents and ask them to sign it. This is due back on Thursday, so that we can get you all hooked into the wireless for next week.
Reading of the Policy (10 Minutes)
Discussion of the Policy (10 Minutes) What are the key elements of this document?
Reading of the BYOT Documents (5 Minutes)
Discussion of the BYOT Documents (5 Minutes) What are the key elements that are important in this document?
Poll Everywhere Poll (2 Minutes)
Supplemental Materials –
P1 -
P3 –
P8 –
Evaluation of Students –
Informal – Check for understanding
Are students responding to questions?
Are Students engaged in discussion?
Do students seem to understand the documents?
Are students participating in the text polls?
Evaluation of the Lesson – Are students engaged? Are they participating? Are they using devices appropriately? Are students able to successfully complete all tasks?
Lesson 2
Type of Lesson: Interactive Discussion
Lesson Plan Title – Reading Lord of the Flies and related activities
Curriculum Links –
RL.10.1 – RL.10.10
SL.10.1 – SL.10.6
Objectives –
Students will be able to
Effectively Participate in Literature Circle Discussions
Materials and Timing – Use these two days to connect the topic to a literary piece being read in the classroom. This class was reading Lord of the Flies.
Scope and Sequence –
During this time students will be reading Lord of the Flies, and being shown how to participate in the various roles of lit circles by thier English Teachers. They will also briefly discuss how Piggy is bullied in LOTF in preparation for the cyber-bullying activity to follow.
Supplemental Materials – none
Lesson 3
Type of Lesson: Reading and JigSaw Discussion
Lesson Plan Title – Bullying and Cyber Bullying
Discipline and Topic – English 10 - Digital Citizenship
Curriculum Links –
RI.10.1, RI.10.4, RI.10.8, RI.10.10
W.10.7, W.10.9, W.10.10
SL.10.1, SL.10.4, SL.10.6
Objectives –
Students will be able to
Define bullying
Define cyber bullying
Identify strategies to help stop bullying
Materials and Timing –
Cyber Bullying Articles (
Polleverywhere polls (see supplemental materials)
Scope and Sequence –
Opening Activity (2 minutes)
PollEverywhere (displayed on board as students walk in)
Have you ever been bullied?
Have you ever bullied someone?
Teacher Introduction – Today is New York State Digital Citizenship Day. Part of being a safe, responsible and ethical user of digital media is knowing what is appropriate behavior in an online setting. Yesterday we talked about how Piggy is the victim of bullying in Lord of the Flies. Today we are going to talk about Cyber Bullying, something you or someone you know may face every day and not even know it.
What is bullying?
What is cyber bullying?
What are some ways you can help stop bullying? (cyber or face to face)
Break into small groups
Read Articles
Jigsaw and share
Questions to discuss
What is cyber bullying?
What are some of the forms of cyber bullying?
What can you do to help someone who is being cyber bullied?
What are some ways you can help stop bullying? (cyber or face to face)
Supplemental Materials –
Have you ever been bullied?
Have you ever bullied someone
What is Bullying?
What are some ways you could help stop bullying or cyber bullying?
Evaluation of Students –
Informal – circulate as students are reading and discussing articles, offering guidance and reinforcement where necessary
Informal – student responses to polls are appropriate
Evaluation of the Lesson –
Were student engaged in the readings? Were students engaged in the discussions? Did students participate in the poll activities?
Lesson 4
Type of Lesson: Interactive Lecture
Lesson Plan Title – Introduction to Video Contest
Curriculum Links –
Objectives –
Students will be able to
Explain the contest
Adhere to the grading (and judging) criteria for the contest
Materials and Timing –
Introduction to Challenge Video (2 minutes)
Rules of Video Contest
Handout with rules and judging criteria
Consent Form
Scope and Sequence –
Teacher Introduction – Yesterday we talked about cyber bullying, before that we talked about ways that Piggy was bullied in LOTF. There is currently a contest called “Stop Bullying Video Challenge.”
Play Video from website (
Explain contest and hand out rules/regulations (also available online
Prize Money – There is a $2000 grand prize, and 2 $500 honorable mention prizes. The “lead youth” of each group will be awarded the money, and it is up to that youth to share the money with group mates.
Hand out consent forms
Handout Rubric (based on judging criteria)
Assign/split into groups
Begin Brainstorming
Supplemental Materials –
Evaluation of Students –
Informal – circulate as students work, address any questions they may have
Evaluation of the Lesson –
Are students excited about the contest?
Lesson 4
Type of Lesson: Small Group Work
Lesson Plan Title – Video Creation
Curriculum Links –
W.10.2, W.10.4, W.10.5, W.10.6, W.10.7, W.10.8, W.10.9, W.10.10, W.10.11
SL.10.1, SL.10.4, SL.10.5, SL.10.6
L.10.1, L.10.2, L.10.3, L.10.6
Objectives –
Students will be able to
Create a storyboard for their PSA
Script Dialog for their PSA
Record their PSA
Materials and Timing –
Grading/Judging Rubric
Storyboard handout
Scope and Sequence –
Brainstorming (part of Period on 10/4)
Script Writing (part of period on 10/5, complete for homework by 10/9)
StoryBoarding (part of period on 10/9)
Record PSA (Whole Period on 10/10 due 10/11)
View Videos (10/12)
Submission Information: all projects should be submitted to or to the account
Students must also create an account at and verify the account using their email. They must also provide the email address used to create the account to the teachers. Students ARE NOT to submit the videos on their own, as they are not 18 years of age.
Supplemental Materials –
Evaluation of Students –
Formal – rubric for video
Formal – Script grade
Evaluation of the Lesson –
Were students engaged? Were they completing the assigned tasks? Did they seem confused?